Terms and conditions

The present general conditions of sales apply, without restriction nor reserve, to the whole of the sales concluded by the salesman near the customers, wishing to acquire the products proposed with the sale on the Internet site coconadeux.fr. This commercial site is a site of sale ready to carry for future moms, edited by Miss TENREIRO Clara.


The present conditions of sale aim at defining the contractual relations between Cocon à deux and the purchaser and the conditions applicable to any purchase carried out by the means of the Internet site www.coconadeux.fr.

The choice and the purchase of a product are of the only responsibility of the customer. The product offers are within the limits of available stocks, as specified when placing the order.

By accepting the General Conditions of Sale and by clicking on "Validate your order" it means that you definitively confirm your order. Moreover, Cocoon for Two reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time, by publishing a new version on the website.


Cocon à deux offers clothes for pregnant women, clothes for breastfeeding and accessories for babies. The products mentioned on the coconadeux.fr website are subject to availability. Cocon à deux, reserves the right to modify the characteristics and the price of the products available for purchase. Moreover, the photographs present on the site, to present each product, are the most faithful possible, but do not engage the salesman. 

When the product is unavailable, it is displayed on the site, otherwise, in case of error, Cocon à deux commits itself to warn the customer by e-mail as soon as possible. If the product has already been paid for, Cocon à deux will automatically refund the customer the price of the item.
The sale of Cocon à deux products is intended for all buyers residing in France.


The products are provided at the prices in force appearing on the Internet site www.coconadeux.fr, at the time of the recording of the order. The price of the products on the site is expressed in euros (€) all taxes included (TTC). Once the order is placed by the customer, Cocon à deux cannot modify the price of the products. The prices indicated on the website, do not take into account the expenses of delivery which will be added to the total amount of the order and specified to the customer at the time of the final validation of its order. 


When the customer has chosen the various products in which he/she is interested, he/she will then click on the button visible on the product sheet "Add to cart". The customer can then at any time view his basket and the summary of his order. Once the customer validates his basket and wishes to proceed to payment, two options are available to him. The customer can place his order via a guest account, just by filling in his email address. Alternatively, the customer can also log in to their customer account to place a new order. The account creation section is accessible directly from the side menu bar. In order to validate the order correctly, the customer must fill in the following fields:

Last name,
First name,
Complete delivery/billing address,
Telephone number.
The customer then specifies the delivery method chosen (colissimo or point of withdrawal). The order can only be registered on the site if the customer has clearly identified himself by entering his e-mail address, which is strictly personal.

Once the personal data and the means of shipment are chosen, the customer will have to validate one last time the delivery address, the nature, the quantity and the price of the products, as well as the chosen method of payment. Any order is worth accepting the prices and description of the products available for sale.

The order is validated once the General Terms and Conditions of Sale have been read and approved and all fields have been completed by the customer. The order is final when the customer clicks on "validate payment". The customer validates his address, the product(s) and the total price of his order, including shipping costs. Payments are made only by credit cards via the STRIPE payment system. The buyer will be redirected to STRIPE's secure interface in order to safely enter his/her personal credit card information. The customer will have to provide his or her credit card number, its expiration date and the cryptogram number (3-digit number on the back of the credit card). If the payment is accepted, the order is recorded and the contract is definitively formed. Payment by credit card is irrevocable. In case of fraudulent use of the card, the buyer can demand the cancellation of the payment by card, the sums paid will then be re-credited or refunded. Cocon à deux will acknowledge receipt of the order as soon as it is validated by email.

In all cases, the online provision of the credit card number and the final validation of the order will be worth the proof of the completeness of the said order in accordance with the provisions of the law of March 13, 2000 and will be worth the exigibility of the sums engaged by the seizure of the articles appearing on the purchase order. This validation is worth signature and express acceptance of all the operations carried out on the site. 


Under Article L121-20 of the Consumer Code, the buyer has a period of fourteen working days from the delivery of their order to exercise their right of withdrawal and thus return the product to the seller for exchange or refund without penalty, except for the cost of return.


The products ordered by the customer will be delivered in Metropolitan France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Germany and Switzerland.
The orders are made by :

La Poste / Colissimo 
Delivery is free of charge in metropolitan France from 120€ of purchase*.

Deliveries are made within 3/5 working days in France to the address indicated by the customer when ordering on the site. For foreign countries (Switzerland, Belgium, Germany, Portugal and Spain), the delivery of the order intervenes within 4/9 working days. 

Cocon à deux will be able to provide by e-mail to the purchaser the number of follow-up of his parcel. 
The delivery times indicated are indicative times from the day following that of the validation by the customer of his order and correspond to the processing and delivery of products. In no case, they could not be opposable, but in case of unusual delay, an email will be sent to you. 

The risks related to transport are the responsibility of the purchaser as from the moment when the articles leave the buildings of Cocon à deux. The buyer is responsible for verifying the condition of the packaging and the contents of the merchandise upon delivery in the presence of the employee of La Poste or the delivery person. Cocon à deux declines all responsibility in case of excessive delivery time due to postal services or means of transport, as well as in case of loss of the ordered products or strike. The risks of transport are supported by the customer, who will have to formulate a justified protest near the postal services or near the conveyor, within three days wrought as from the delivery. 
Any claim made after 15 days following receipt of the products will be considered inadmissible and Cocon à deux will not be held responsible. Cocon à deux reserves the right to ask the buyer to return the non-conforming or damaged product. In case of abnormal or abusive returns, Cocon à deux will be able to refuse to serve a subsequent order.
After the delivery, you have up to 14 days to make the return of an article not wished (except the articles sold or in promotions) to proceed to a refunding.

Here is the return procedure:

♡ Download the return form in the "return conditions" section.

♡ Specify in this form which items you want to return and the reason.

♡ Carefully wrap the package and slip the form inside. 

♡ Return the package to the address on this form.

Please do not remove the tags from the products, do not wear or wash the item and do not leave any trace on the garment.
Refunds will be made on the payment method used when you paid for your purchase. Return shipping costs are the responsibility of the customer.

If upon receipt of your package, the item ordered is incorrect/defective, please contact me either on the contact page or by email at contact@coconadeux.fr indicating your order number. 


All the products presented on the site correspond to the real and immediate availabilities. All prices are in euros. The colissimo is delivered by La Poste in 2 to 5 working days (for metropolitan France). It is delivered to the delivery address indicated on your order form. In case of absence, the letter carrier will leave you a notice of passage, indicating the conditions of withdrawal of your parcel (place and time). The delivery time is generally 15 days. You will be able to follow the evolution of your parcel on the site www.laposte.fr 


The contents of the site www.coconadeux.fr are the property of the salesman and his partners and are protected by the French and international laws relating to the intellectual property. 
Any total or partial reproduction of this content is strictly forbidden and is likely to constitute an offence of counterfeiting.


The products supplied by the seller benefit from the legal guarantee of conformity, for the defective, damaged products or not corresponding to the order. The products also benefit from the guarantee against hidden defects resulting from a defect of material, design or manufacture affecting the delivered products and making them unfit for use.

Article 1641 of the Civil Code "The seller is bound by the warranty for latent defects of the thing sold which make it unfit for the purpose for which it was intended, or which so diminish this use that the buyer would not have acquired it, or would have given only a lesser price, if he had known them.

Thus, in case of non-conformity of a product sold, it can be returned to Cocon à deux, which will take it back, exchange it or refund it.

Cocon à deux, in the process of distance selling, is only bound by an obligation of means. Its responsibility could not be committed for a damage resulting from the use of the Internet network such as the loss of data, intrusion, virus, rupture of the service, or other involuntary problems. 


Any order placed on the site and delivered outside of France may be subject to possible taxes and customs duties that are imposed when the package reaches its destination. These customs duties and taxes, if any, related to the delivery of an item, are the responsibility of the customer. Cocon à deux is not required to verify and inform its customers of the customs duties and taxes applicable. To know them, it is up to the member to inquire with the competent authorities of his country.
Applicable law: the language of these general conditions of sale is French. This contract is subject to French law. In the event of a dispute with a customer, the French courts will have exclusive jurisdiction.


The customer is informed that the collection of his personal data is necessary for the sale of the products by the salesman as well as for their transmission to thirds for purposes of delivery of the products. These personal data are collected only for the execution of the sale contract.
Cocon à deux is committed to preserving the confidentiality of the information provided by the purchaser, which it would be brought to transmit for the use of certain services, in particular by the means of "cookies". The consumer recognizes to have knowledge of it. In all the cases, and in accordance with the law of January 6, 1978, the consumer also has a right of access, of modification or suppression with regard to any information relating to it being reproduced in the files of Cocon à deux. The consumer can request this at any time by email at the following address: contact@coconadeux.fr


In case of difficulties related to the purchase and/or delivery of products on the website, the customer can contact the seller's customer service department whose coordinates are listed below:
By mail : Cocon à deux, 6 chemin de clapeloup, 69360 Sainte-consorce
By e-mail : contact@coconadeux.fr


The present general conditions of sale and the summary of the order transmitted to the customer form a contractual whole and constitute the entirety of the contractual relations between the parties.